Monday, August 28, 2017

Introduction---Blog Post #1

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Wanting to be a teacher was something I wanted to do since I was in 2nd grade. It was either teaching or playing 1st base for the Chicago Cubs. Mrs. Stizel, my grade school p.e. teacher, was amazing! She made sure everyone felt included and successful, and being a shy student, her approach helped me to gain confidence.
As for TV role models, I wanted to be like Mr. Kotter. Every episode he reached his students who others gave up on in school. He made connections with them, not only as students, but also as people. The way I saw Gabe Kotter on TV was who I aspired to do and be.
Ever since my completion of the Beck Blended Learning Fellowship Program, my interest in bringing 21st skills to not only my students, but for myself has grown. It took me a couple of years of waiting and working towards an opportunity to pursue my goal of going back to school, and at times I never thought it would happen. Through the support and encouragement of my family and co-workers, I took the leap and made the commitment to earn a technology specialist endorsement. My hope is that will lead me to a second masters.
Neither of my Dad did not attend college and my Mom started taking classes at our local community college after my brother and I were adults. I was fortunate to be raised by to strong parents who encouraged us to go after our goals and not to let anything stop us--for that I am grateful. Both of my parents are no longer alive, but I know in my heart that they are proud and excited for me as I start another academic adventure.
My family has taken turns going to school over the past few years. After my son, Martin, graduated from DePaul, my husband, Marty, went back to school to pursue a career as a veterinarian assistant. He was tired of working at a job, just to have a job. Both Martin and I are so proud of him for getting out of his comfort zone and going after his dream. Then Martin, after took a substitute position at the school where I teach and the one he graduated from, jumped at an opportunity to earn his masters in secondary ed. He will complete the program at DePaul in June. I was going to wait until he was finished with his grad program, but I just could not wait any longer, thus I took the leap.

My intro post continues with a Powtoon movie. Enjoy!

My family is rather photo shy, so I don't really have too many recent photos where all three of us are in the same photo, thus the I'm posting our hounds.
Sadie with her favorite treat.

Harley enjoying the tasty snow.


  1. Hi Karen! Thanks for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed your intro blog, especially your Powtoon movie! I, too, have always wanted to become a teacher. I can remember when I was 10 and I rounded up the neighborhood kids and played school in my garage. I always had a strong desire to teach and lead others.

    As for going back to school, I want to applaud you on your decision to pursue your goal of higher education. I had my kids back to back and it took me 5 years to finally feel comfortable in their stage of development to return to grad school. I have to say, Dominican University has made it easy for a working mother of 2 to receive a graduate degree. =)

    I have included a link about 6 reasons why graduate school pays off.

    1. Hi Ryan! Thanks for the link, I plan on reading today sometime after work. Yes, going back to school is a huge commitment in time and financially. I try to live my life with the thinking--no regrets. Not taking this opportunity to go back to school, would have been a HUGE regret. Your comment about playing school brought back happy memories, when my friends and I played school in my neighbor's clubhouse. Thanks for the comments.

  2. I really enjoyed reading about your teacher from grade school, Mrs. Stizel. I had similar teachers that helped me along my education journey, and are also the reasons that I became a teacher. One in particular stands out, Ms. Kennedy. She was my 7th grade science and social studies teacher. 7th grade was a rough year for me due to losing my great grandmother, my father losing his job, and other family setbacks. Mrs. Kennedy always knew how to not only make her classes interesting, but also built a really great teacher-student relationship with me. She knew what I was going through and was always there to talk. School became my outlet during that rough patch. It is kind of ironic that I now teach 7th grade, the same year I had my troubles and that I met Ms. Kennedy. I still stay in touch with her.
    I also really enjoyed hearing about your family background regarding higher education. Both of my parents received bachelor's degrees, but did not finish their graduate programs. They have always encouraged me to keep going with education. It is awesome to hear that you have jumped back into education! I look forward to learning with you!

    1. Thanks Mr. Bachar for sharing a story about a teacher that made a difference in your life. I was fortunate to have two wonderful parents who believed in me and my goals.

  3. What a great introduction! Powtoon is such a fun tool. Looking forward to learning with you this term.

    1. Oh....and those "TV" inspiring! Notice how they never show them doing lesson plans and paperwork? LOL

  4. Karen I love the fact that you, along with your family, are continuing your education and expanding your horizons. I wish you all of the luck in the world on your educational journey. If there is anything that I can assist you with please feel free to let me know.

    1. Thanks Ms. Fields! I think it's great that we will all bring our strengths to this class and learn from each other. There's always room in my teacher toolbox for more tools.

  5. Haha, I love your comment about playing for the Chicago Cubs! Wouldn't that be fun. I love you big dreams as a child and still today. Your family is very lucky to have an inspirational female to show them that learning is important and can continue throughout life. I'm glad you took the leap and are here in class with me!

    1. Us Cubs fans have taken our ridicule for too long, so waving our W flags high has been exciting. My brother cheers for the other team---ugh. Thanks for your kind words.

  6. Karen, I have heard of Powtoon, but I have never seen anybody use it before. I just checked it out and it looks so easy to use! It seems kind of like Spark Video. Very cool! It looks like a great tool for introducing concepts to students in an engaging way. Thank you for going the extra mile to add something extra that we all can learn from!

  7. Powtoon is user friendly, especially when you use one of their templates. In a couple of weeks, I'll be introducing Powtoon to my 6th graders, that's when the templates really come in handy. I use the free educators account with a shared password with my students, which Powtoon allows. I learned about this site while I was a Beck Blended Learning fellow. I like Spark too.

  8. I love your powtoon video! What a fun way to make an introduction.

  9. Dug the intro. Oddly enough I had never heard of "Welcome Back Kotter" until a few years back when the guy who wrote the theme, John Sebastian, played at a winery down the road from our place. I am impressed by your desire to grow as a teacher. I read your other post about getting to tell your students about your own homework load and your educational aspirations and I am certain that will make a great impact on how they view adulthood and lifelong learning. Have a good semester!

  10. Karen,
    Thank you for sharing your post! I feel like behind every good teacher is another good teacher who inspired them. That's how the best teachers are made! I also had a teacher who inspired me so much it made me want to do what he did. Also, your puppies are just the cutest things! Thank you for sharing pictures of them!

  11. Karen,
    Thank you for including that fantastic powtoon movie! I had never heard of it until now, but that seems like I tool I could really use. I love that you mentioned to your students in your other post that you still have homework. I feel that we should never stop learning, and your drive to continue your education is inspiring.
