Sunday, February 18, 2018

EDU 781 99--Week 7

Blog Post 2-- "Final Step: Bringing About Change" Reflection

The process of finding my way through Title III funding in order to acquire Chromebooks for my 1:1 implementation plan was been positive, negative, and challenging. 
Not having any experience with the process caused me stress because I was raised to do it right or not at all. This was compounded by a having a new principal who also had no experience with title programs. My own thought was the only thing that will hold me back is me. Now that I have seen what I can do to help my school and the looks on those kid's faces when they saw those Chromebooks, I will no longer let my own fears dictate what I can and cannot do.
Dealing with the constant red tape of dealing with CPS has been the negative. From my experience, puts Catholic Schools are put on the back burner when it comes to receiving the entitled funding. I have nothing against public education, after all, I am a product of public ed. It is the idea of feeling that only CPS students matter that frustrates me. All kids are important, no matter where they learn. I am not sure what I can possibly change about the animosity between CPS and non-CPS departments, but I will not let that stop me with any future plans I dream about.
The experience of working on the implementation program from its genesis through completion has been rewarding. For myself, getting out of my comfort zone to take the lead and have multiple conversations with people--email, phone, and in-person, was difficult for me. I found keeping the reason for my plan---For the kids--in mind is what kept me going. When I couldn't find my answers in one place, I kept going until I found them. Instead of taking on everything myself, I would ask teachers at lunch for their opinions on who should I talk to. By completing this task, I completed something that has been a dream for years and only not pursued by my own fears. I have worked to add other tech advancements in my school or was asked for help by my former principal, but I have never taken on such an undertaking as as using Title III funds. Along with the 1:1 implementation, I have already acquired mice for all the Chromebooks due to a generous donation by a family who is turning their tragedy into something worthwhile in the memory of their son, Patrick. 
Patrick Wetzel spent time in several Central American countries, donating his time to work with children who lived in poverty. He was only in his early 20's when he died in a canoeing accident. Through the family's pain, they raised $80 to donate a playground to my school. It was an honor to work with that family and see how they were trying to heal by doing something for my school. The family had no ties our school, they were just searching through Ka-Boom Playgrounds a school who was in need and had a high Hispanic population. The Wetzel family came back a year later and donated another $10k to my school to use for technology. This is partly because they talk to me every time they do visit and ask me what does our school need, and I'm glad to tell them. They also ask my students and they always say--tech. Thus, I am able to use a small portion of their donation to purchase wireless mice for the kids. I found many of the students struggle using the track pad, and get so caught up in having the right touch or looking up shortcuts, that they forget what they were using the computer for in the first place. The kids cheered when I told them about the mice. I am confident this will also help my struggling learners have one less thing to deal with. I will put time aside for them to practice using shortcuts and track pads without the added stress of completing specific assignment.
I'm A Believer--
Am I a believer and excited? You bet! As much as I'm a believer in my Cubbies and excited for every baseball season, I am the same for my 1:1 project. I am the poster child for tech in my school. My students are thrilled, the families are excited, and the teachers who have the 1:1 Chromebooks are happy. More importantly, my students are seeing what hard work and determination can do. They are also seeing that things are just not given to you, one must work to achieve a goal. I kept my kids up to date with the steps so they could see that goal achieving is a process and many skills are needed within that process. 
I think just by reading this blog post, one can see and feel my enthusiasm and passion for my school. Completing tasks of communication with others as a self-proclaimed introvert was huge for me. Realizing that I need to step back and try harder to understand the underlying reasons why someone is resistant to change has become key when working with others. The sense of accomplishment that I feel is beyond words, which has helped boost my confidence level. Knowing that I made a tangible difference in my school matters to me. I know many will not know why we now have Chromebooks, but that is okay. What is important is that the students in my school have access to tech in ways  they never had before. Every time I see that charging cart of Chromebooks, I think--I did that! What's next?!
What's Next?
I have already mentioned about the mice, but that is not all. The liaison between Chicago Arch and CPS sent me an application for Title IV funding. My principal and I have no experience with that either--ugh. There were about eight choices of programs to apply for. Now the old me, would have just applied for what I wanted, but this time I asked others. I included a short list with descriptions of the offerings to my colleagues. From there I was able to determine what programs to apply for, which was one each for primary, middle, and junior high. I also applied for infrastructure funding. If my school gets this funding, it will be used to upgrade and add wireless access points for starters. With all the new devices in my school, it is not difficult to figure out that upgraded Wifi equipment is needed. It just so happens that the tech who originally put in the Wifi was at my school last week. I asked another teacher to watch my students for a few minutes. Her reply was, "Oh, oh, she's at it again." Yep! That's me! One of my students asked, "What is Mrs. Z. going to get us now?" From that quick 5 minute meeting, I am already getting a quote of what we need. This way, if the Title IV funding comes through, I will be ready. My principal saw me walking around and I guess he knew I was up to something. Not sure if he is happy because I took the lead or just relieved that he did not have to. Really does not matter, because when I told my kids what I was up to they were happy. 
Wanting input from my students, I asked them, what is your dream for the school? The only tech reply from them was a 3D printer, which is a pretty cool dream. Then one student asked me about my next goal. I told the class I wanted a printer server and they looked at me like I had just became a Sox fan. I explained what a printer server is and once again, my kids cheered. How I will make that happen? Well, that's for another blog post, but I have my eye on that goal already. As far as 3D printer goes, I plan on looking into that too. I want my students to know that their opinion matters.
This is only my third class in this Technology Specialist program, so I still have a ways to go. I hope to continue to dream big and work hard. One of my favorite quotes is from Daniel Burnham--"Make no little plans. They have no Magic to stir Men's blood."