Friday, December 8, 2017


Proposal Reflection

At first, I was intimidated by the prospect that I was going to have to write a professional paper with research. I haven't written a formal paper in years, so my first thoughts were---YIKES! What did I get myself into? I knew what I wanted for my school, but how to get it, was a different story. After diving into this project, my nerves settled, because knowing that I had an opportunity to make a difference for my school and students was motivating. For the past four years, I have shared a tech goal with my principal, but that's all I did. Yes, I'm thrilled that each goal I had came to fruition, but this year I'm making it happen!

The main challenge is not knowing how to get from point A to point B with my goal. I know exactly what I want this year, but how to get it---not a clue. If the principal from the four years was still at my school this year, she could have guided and taught me the process and red tape of Title III funding. Having a new principal who has never applied for Title III funding or how to acquire it has been more difficult than writing an APA style paper. Since I want my students to have 1:1 Chromebooks, I know I will do everything in my power to get that for them. I still have a long road ahead of figuring out all the ins and outs of the process, but with the support of my current principal and fortunately some help from my former principal, this dream of mine will become a reality.

Excited is an understatement. I love working at my school and the kids, working on this plan is a labor of love. With every little victory--figuring out how to muddle my way through the process, my excitement grows. I absolutely can't wait to wheel that cart of Chromebooks into my classroom and show my students, if you work hard and set realistic goals, dreams can become reality.

Just being able to go back to school and working on a plan that IS GOING TO HAPPEN, has been positive. The excitement the other teachers have about moving to 1:1 devices, is touching. Knowing that at the start of this class, my dream was just a dream, but now is a plan I'm determined to make happen, makes me smile. 

I'm working on my goal, no time to worry about anything negative.

I've been a classroom teacher for 30 years and still love it. I did teach computer classes and was the tech coordinator for my school for 5 years, but that was over 10 years ago. Keeping my mind open to new opportunities is something I need to remind myself to do. Switching to another role, is scary and I'm still lacking confidence in my ability to take on this role. This is only my 2nd course, so I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm willing to put in the work. My understanding of what a tech specialist is better. Writing proposals is new for me and to my understanding of what a tech specialist does.