Saturday, June 16, 2018


End of Course Reflection

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I found this course enlightening and informative from the start. Even though I have heard of digital literacy and had a very basic understanding of the term, my knowledge of it has grown tenfold. It's more than digital citizenship, digital literacy encompasses how we as consumers of digital and media content use it our daily lives. I've stressed to my students over the years the importantance of reading what is searched and checking other sources to validate the content, but didn't have the term of digital literacy in my head. I guess until recently. On the upside, at least I feel like I'm on the right track with what I teach my kids, the only difference is now I have a name to call what I do and can up my game of what I already do. Putting a higher priority of teaching my students strategies of how to decern and consume digital and media content will be my focus from the start of the school year. Just as setting the tone and structure of the classroom is important from the moment the kids walk into my classroom, so must be how my kids use devices.

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Besides making digital literacy a higher priority with my students, I need to up my game with keeping up with best practices. Over the summer, I will seek out ways to help my students analyze and evaluate digital and media content. I've already signed up on Brainpop for the digital citizenship content, so I will look into that. With access to SimpleK12, I can seek out digital literacy PD's. I'm excited that my school has a new computer teacher this coming year; in fact he was just hired. I've already talked to him about teaching about digital literacies, including digital citizenship. I know kind of bold of me to just reach out to a new teacher before the school year, but the new teacher is my son. Yep! I'm so excited my son just got his first official teaching job and it happens to be at my school. He is open to ideas and it's easy for me to reach out to him over the summer--lol. The concepts we learned during this course were lacking in the former computer teacher, so I'm looking forward to working with my kid because now he will build up a more collaborative type of atmosphere within our school with all the teachers.
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My biggest take-away in the course is that teaching my students the importance of digital and media literacies is something that needs to be taught from the start and kept in the forefront of my student's minds. I think when my students use devices, things will go at least a little smoother because the expectations, the hows and whys of this subject will be better understood by my students. Every time I worked on an assignment in this course, I purposely stopped and thought--How am I using digital literacy at this momement? Then, I did the same thing when I was using the Internet for my own purposes. It is clear to me that understanding how to search, analyze, evaluate, and use digital content is non-stop. I want my students to see the same.

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