Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Social Media & Emerging Technologies


Hello fellow classmates! My name is Karen and I am in my last semester at DU. I started off last year with the goal of earning a technology specialist endorsement, but the opportunity presented itself to go further. After this class and my next one, which is Coding II, I will earn my second Masters of Arts in Education. I look forward to working with all of you and learning from all of you.

Here is little about who I am--

Extra Info--

  • I currently teach at St. William School, which is a Chicago Catholic elementary school, with grades from preschool through eighth grade. 
  • My family and I have two German shepherds-Sadie and Harley, one blue Russian cat-Nefi (Nefertiti), two red-eared slider turtles--Puddle and Wrigley, and a few koi.
  • I have been happily married for 30.5 years to a wonderful man.
  • My son is a teacher at the same school where I teach, so calling him Mr. Z. during the day is just weird. 
  • I would drop what I am doing, no matter what it is to go to a Cubs game.
  • Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter--I am the admin for the social media accounts at my school. Here is a link to my school's FB page. My school does have a school parent who is paid to do the marketing, such as info about Big Shoulders and boosting enrollment. I create posts about events in the school, create slideshows, and post photos that the teachers send me.
Here are a few examples of the profile photos I use for various social media platforms.

Facebook--Professional Page
Personal screenshot of FB my page.
I do not use this page as much as I should for professional social media purposes. After a prior class that involved creating a professional portfolio, I created the Facebook (FB) page with the purpose of building a network of professional educators and resources, or PLN. Since most of my contacts are on my own personal FB, I just have not found the time to switch or separate the educator contacts from my own interests. This is a goal of mine, but most likely that will not be accomplished until the summer. 

Personal image

This is the same photo I use at my school via my work Gmail account. Teachers at my school use a mix of using the traditional school photo, a selfie, or an image that does not show the audience what the staff member looks like. 

Personal image I took while at Cubs game.
This is an image from my personal FB page. I am careful of what I put out there in the world because I am well aware of digital footprints. I am a die-hard Cubs fan, so when I visit the friendly confines, I am always taking photos of the ballpark and game. The policy at my school is not to "Friend" current students and parents and I take that policy seriously. 
Most of the photos I post are from my gardens, pets, places I visit, and Cubs games. I rarely post family photos. If I want to share something with my son, I send it in a private message. The settings for my FB page are that I only post to friends/family and you have to request to see my page. Private information such as my email address, and details about my life are not posted.

Personal image that was edited to a photo I found online several years ago. 
I only included this profile photo of Jon Bon Jovi and me because I wanted you to see that I have a goofy side to my personality. I do not have a professional Pinterest account. Going down the rabbit hole on this social media site with one account is all I can handle. 

My digital footprint