Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Blog #1 Update

Today one of my sixth grade students asked me if I could go to the soccer game. I do try to support our school activities when I can, but I just could not go. Wanting to be honest, I told my student, that I could not go because I had too much homework. He responded with something such as this---What? You have homework? But you're the teacher you don't get homework, you give homework!
I then told my class that you are never too old to learn and go back to school, that it was a dream of mine to earn another masters. I love it when those teaching moments just happen. After I explained what I was doing, the kids clapped and cheered for me. I WAS TOUCHED! One student asked me, "What else is there for you to learn about tech? You are already the tech queen of the school." That one made me laugh out loud. I told him, believe me after I read what kinds of assignments I will have, I have plenty to learn.
God, I love my job!


  1. Such a fun story!! We are already role models for our students but when they see us learning along side them (and without them on our own) we impact them in ways we don't know. Just think...one day one of them could be blogging about how seeing you go back to school inspired them :)

    1. Well that is a mind blowing comment. 😍

  2. Karen, I love this story! Thanks for sharing. Showing our students that teachers have plenty to learn and that we should all be lifelong learners is so important. Your students are lucky to have you! Keep it up! Looking forward to learning with you this semester.

  3. What a nice thing to say! I would love to learn some strategies to help my readers who struggle with reading. I want them to fall in love with books, not to shy away because it's difficult.

  4. Great story! It's important for students to see us as learners too.
